Helena Jones – The Art of Permanent Perfection
Call us today to arrange a consultation - 07855 947239

Happy New Year, better late than never, right?

For those of you who already know me, you’ll know that I can’t keep still for very long, nor would I want to.  I believe in training every year with different professionals across the permanent makeup industry, to ensure that not only my practical skills, but my theoretical knowledge is extended and kept up to date, so that I can be the best version of myself and provide the very best treatments to my clients.

In our industry, there are always new or tweaked techniques being showcased.  The products we use are constantly evolving, developing, or indeed new versions being put out into the marketplace.  We must stay at the forefront of our profession, and not get complacent.

Since March 2022, I have spent more than 120 hours on personal, continuous development training, and I am so excited to share with you some of what I have been up to.

Dark Lip Neutralisation.  Whilst my knowledge on lip tattooing is extensive, this particular area of lip tattooing, I felt needed more in-depth knowledge.  I use a brand of lip pigments by Tina Davies, which I absolutely love.  They are an organic range, fly into the skin with ease and have great staying power.  Tina Davies has teamed up with Jasmine Diebelius, an industry leader in whose dark lip neutralisation skills I greatly admire.  When I spotted this course, I signed straight up.  I’ve been wanting to do it for years, and this felt like the perfect opportunity.  Watch this space….

Scar Camouflage.  The legend that is Vicky Martin, developed her own scar camouflage course and range of pigments to complement her nipple and areola courses.  As I’d already trained with Vicky over the course of a couple of years, I knew instantly that I wanted to train with her again. Her knowledge on medical tattooing is immense and her energy is contagious.  I’m now able to offer larger camouflage areas, on scars that are fully healed, and white in appearance.  If this is something that may of interest, please give me a call.

Fine Line Tattooing.  I’ve also signed up to do a PMU to Tattoo course, which started the first week of January.  It’s a brand-new fine lining tattoo course written by the super talented Leah Raja, The Cosmetic Tattooist. I am one of the first lucky ten technicians to secure a place on this brand-new course.  It is an apprenticeship of sorts for between six and twelve months.  It will include a mixture of online and practical training under Leah’s’ watchful eye and professional guidance.  I am so excited I can’t put it into words.  As you know, my motto is ‘less is always more’ so the type of tattoos I will be carrying out will be delicate, fine lining designs.   Small intricate, feminine, and soft. I will require models so keep an eye on my socials, where I will also upload photos!

Note: The images are Leah’s work, but this is the kind of work I want to do.

What else will I get up to this year?……